Valentine’s Day

I’ve wanted so bad for the Lord to redeem this week.

This holiday.

This month.

A month that swims in red hearts, and roses, and perfect ideas about love.

And so, I prayed. And, I prayed. I asked for God to make it new, and somehow, better. Redeemed. Restored.

Today, my husband handed me a letter. A heartfelt expression of his thankfulness to God, and me, for what has happened in this past year. A rejoicing for what is new. A sadness for sin.

We went to lunch, and enjoyed each other’s company.

And then, we sat in the doctor’s office. We waited for that image to come up on the screen.

Our precious baby. Our first glimpse of the little life that God has caused to grow within my body. A new way to celebrate. A redeemed holiday. Absolute love. That little heartbeat, strong, healthy.

God gives good gifts to His children. I’m thankful for a new memory on what could have been a painful day. A week being redeemed. A marriage being restored.

Praise the Lord, all you who stumble upon this. Our God is good.

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